2023 IWDBA Breeder’s Workshop - Event Info
The International Working Dog Breeding Association (IWDBA) is pleased to announce the 2023 Breeder’s Workshop “Genetically improving the whole dog” in Vancouver Canada on May 1-2.
Participants are also invited to add-on one of two optional events immediately following the Breeders Workshop (note participation in these optional events does incur an additional cost, which will be clear at the time of ticket purchase):
- Behavior Checklist Focus Workshop – with both live dogs and videos, or
- Reproduction Focus Workshop
The IWDBA 2023 Breeder’s Workshop will take place immediately following the International Guide Dog Federation Conference, held at the same venue. Breeders Workshop sessions will begin at 8:00 AM on Monday, May 1st.
Click here to see ticket prices, program details and accommodation details.
IGDF, ADI and IWDBA members are eligible for a discount to the full ticket price. Please contact your organization for assistance if you have not received a discount code.
Topics and levels are appropriate for breeding managers, veterinarians and staff involved with behavioral measures of any level. Sessions will be led by industry leaders on topics including:
- Health and Behavior
- Assessing gait for working dogs
- Reproduction
- Selecting best young dogs as parents
- Genetic Selection

Our Exceptional Speaker Line-up Includes:
- Fiona Hollinshead BVSc(Hons) PhD DACT, Associate Professor of Small Animal Theriogenology, Colorado State University. Presenting on Tuesday: Brood and Whelping Concerns; and Wednesday: in-depth presentations including Frozen semen – where do we start?, trans-cervical (TCI) insemination, semen abnormalities using videos of cases, Insemination timing case studies, storing and handling chilled semen for shipping and frozen semen for TCI use
- Kevin Conrad, DVM– A veterinarian with 36 years experience with 11 in the Service dog industry. Presenting Monday and Tuesday on Healthy microbiome and faecal transplants, and Neonatal Care and Conditioning Exercises
- Eldin Leighton PhD, Animal Breeding- How to use estimated breeding values successfully, How to Estimate Genetic Risk when Selecting Breeders, Limiting the Rise of Inbreeding
- Bart Broeckx- DVM, PhD, Ghent University, Dept of Nutrition, Genetics and Ethology, Hip and elbow assessments and what to do with them.
- Plus many other presenters who are experts in their field, working with aspects of behavioral assessment, genetic selection, assessing gaiting and conformation, health disease screening and genetic management.
The world-renowned Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, 900 W Georgia St, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.
Registration and hotel costs
Submit this form to indicate your interest in the event and receive priority notifications about event updates and ticket availability.
Registrations submitted between August 3rd and October 31st will benefit from the Early Bird registration rate. Standard registration rates will begin on November 1st. The event schedule will be provided for others not affiliated with IGDF, IWDBA and ADI to register at a later date pending availability. Places are limited – don’t miss out!
- Check back here for updated information on registration and hotel costs.
- Registration priority will be given to IGDF, ADI and IWDBA members.
- If you are a breeder or veterinarian, please indicate your interest to get on our mailing list so we can contact you when registration opens for your group if space is available.
- For questions contact us at help.desk@iwdba.org or click here.