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Organization Management
Canine Resources
- Emotional Conflict During Socialization
- What is environmental enrichment?
- Distance, Distraction and Duration
- Developing Foundational Skills
- Luring, Marking & Giving Food
- 5 Steps to Progressing Skills
- Dog-Human Relationship Skills
- Utilizing Volunteers
- Biosecurity
- Biosecurity protocol documents
- Example Socialization Schedule
- Puppy Socialization Tracker
- Crate Training
- Managing Inappropriate Interactions between littermates
- Preventing and Fixing Door Dashing
- Follow Me: Video
- Bath Progression: Video
- Intro to New Environments: Video
- Motor Development: Video
- Novel Objects: Video
- Novel Sounds: Video
- Trolley Ride: Video
- Wearing Things/Coat Desensitization: Video
- Carrying Puppies Safely
- Safely Using Stairs: Video
- Puppy Confidence Course
- Socialization Ideas Gallery
- Weighing Puppies: Video
- Birth of a Puppy: Video
- First Time Outside the Den: Video
- First time Exploring the Garden: Video
- Exploring the garden in the dark: Video
- Include puppies in the daily work routine: video
- Collar Habituation: video
- Exploring a wobble board
- Exploring the world - unfamiliar surroundings
- Walking around the grounds
- Socialization opportunities in daily life
- Walk in the woods
- Show Remaining Articles ( 24 ) Collapse Articles
- Articles coming soon
- A Behavioral Questionnaire for Selection and Study of Odor Detection Dogs - Presented by Cynthia Otto
- Audeamus PTSD Service Dogs, ACAC Accredited Peer-Support Model for Veterans and First Responders - Presented by Chris Lohnes and Grace Rath
- Audeamus Service Dogs and University of Saskatchewan Research Partnership and Outcomes - Presented by Chris Lohnes & Grace Rath
- Building a Purpose Bred Breeding Program - Presented by Allison Peltier and Rachel Goldammer
- Core body temperature and activity level changes during work and exercise in patrol dogs of the Queensland Police Service - Presented by Jayne McGhie
- Detection of Heterobasidion parviporum scent samples in indoors scent discrimination test by trained volunteer dog-handler teams - Presented by Heli Väätäjä
- Development of a Tool to Aid in the Selection and Pairing of Breeders based on Behavioral Traits - Presented by Jordan Smith
- Early Detection of Heat Stress in Working Dogs - Presented by Andrea L. Henderson
- Effects on behavior and physiology of handling style during veterinary visits - Presented by Karen Overall
- Field cooling for exertional hyperthermia - Presented by Cynthia Otto
- From Anxious to Resilient: The Role of Dynamic Interactive Engagement in Shaping Military Working Dogs - Presented by Melanie Uhde
- Genetic Resources to Improve Dog Health - Presented by Angela Hughes (Royal Canin)
- Genomic research in the Working Dog Field: Combating Canine Cancer through Collaboration and Comparative Oncology Research - Presented by Frances L. Chen
- Handler Perceived Risks to Operational Detection and Patrol Police Dogs - Presented by Jayne McGhie
- Improving Trauma Patient Care - Presented by Kelly Hall
- Neuromuscular Balance Training in Working Dogs - Presented by Andrea L. Henderson
- Occupational Risks and Specialized Veterinary Care for Working Dogs - Presented by Cynthia Otto
- Putting working dog research into practice: development of science-based guidance notes - Presented by Fiona Williams
- Rating of Perceived Exertion in Working Dogs - Presented by Andrea L. Henderson
- Real-world experience with liquid biopsy testing for cancer detection in working dogs - Presented by Jill Rafalko
- Specialty Practice Behavioral Problems and Outcomes in Companion Dogs - Implications for Working Canines - Presented by Walt Burghardt
- Start of life – Feeding during pregnancy and lactation to increase reproductive success - presented by Angela Hughes (Royal Canin)
- Teaching Collar Yielding as a Foundation Behavior - Presented by Patrick Glines
- The Doberman Diversity Project: a Citizen Science approach to breed improvement - Presented by Sophie Liu
- The effect of inhibitory control, arousal, and affective state in Military Working Dogs Performance - Presented by Astrid Concha
- The effect of training aid volume on odor generalization in detection of chronic wasting disease in deer - Presented by Mallikarjun and Wilson & Cindy Otto
- The Many Dogs Project: A Big Team Canine Science Effort - Presented by Sarah-Elizabeth Byosiere
- Transformative Power of Freedom of Choice in Changing Behavior - Presented by Marty G. Roache
- Turning a Critical Eye on an Established Breeding Program to Improve End Results Using IWDR - Presented by Natalie Ergler and Rachel Goldammer
- U.S. Military Working Dog Welfare - Presented by Desireé Broach
- What is the future of Biological Detection Canines? - Presented by Heather Junqueira & Ken Furton
- Working dog memory and canine gut microbiome - Presented by Xu Wang
- Show Remaining Articles ( 17 ) Collapse Articles
- Breeding Healthy Dogs - Presented by Madeline Zimmermann
- Choosing What to Breed For - Presented by Madeline Zimmermann
- Gaiting - with Doug & Colton Johnson
- Genetic Merit Selection - Presented by Madeline Zimmermann
- Improving Behavior - Presented by Jane Russenberger & Dr. David Roberts
- IWDR: Storing your Data - Presented by Rachel Goldammer
- Keep Data on Everything! - Presented by Rachel Goldammer
- Long-Term Colony Management: Balancing genetic improvement breeding for the whole dog - Presented by Dr. Eldin Leighton
- Power of Numbers: IWDR Functions - Presented by Rachel Goldammer
- Producing Puppies - Presented by Dr. Fiona Hollinshead and Dr. Greg Burns
- Puppy Socialization - Presented by Jane Russenberger
- Puppy Socialization for Handling - presented by Doug & Colton Johnson
- Reading Dog Behavior/Emotional States - Presented by Dr. Karen Overall
- Whelping and Neonatal Care - Presented by Dr. Fiona Hollinshead and Dr. Greg Burns
- "All about the boy" - Semen Collection and Analysis - presentation by Dr. Fiona Hollinshead
- All about the brood - presentation by Dr. Greg Burns
- Behavior Checklist (BCL) Workshop - with Helen West
- Behavioral scoring in Puppy Raising - presentation by Helen West
- Brood and Whelping Concerns - presentation by Dr Greg Burns
- Calculating Differential Risk of Osteoarthritis in Dogs with Low vs High Hip Scores - presentation by Dr Tom Lewis
- Cardiac diseases - presentation by Dr Kevin Conrad (absent); presented by Dr. Kyle Quigley
- Conditioning Program for Dogs Coming In For Training - presentation by Dr Kevin Conrad (via zoom)
- Critical periods of socialization and impact on temperament of the dog - presentation by Jane Russenberger
- Does early potty training affect indiscriminate relieving? - presentation by Dr Lynna Feng
- Dog behavior is in the eye of the beholder - presentation by Joke Monteny
- Entropion - presentation by Jenna Bullis
- Feeding for Breeding Success - presentation by Dr. Emmanuel Fontaine
- Gait and Structure Evaluation for Guide Dogs - presentation by Peggy Gibbon and Dr Katy Evans
- GDBart Puppy Test - presentation by Helen West
- Healthy microbiome and faecal transplants - presentation by Dr Kevin Conrad (absent); presented by Dr Caroline Moeser
- Hip and elbow assessments - with Dr Bart Broeckx
- How to make breeding decisions on traits without EBVs - presentation by Madeline Zimmermann
- How to use estimated breeding values successfully - presentation by Madeline Zimmermann
- Improving behavior with EBVs: Body sensitivity, Noise Fear, Inhibited by Stress, Activated by Stress, Excitable - presentation by Jane Russenberger
- Improving health using EBVs: Elbow, Skin and Mast cell tumours - presentation by Madeline Zimmermann
- Is it really epilepsy? - with Dr Bob Proesmans & Dr Caroline Moeser
- Neonatal Care - presentation by Dr Emmanuel Fontaine
- Reproductive Trends and Cryogenic Insights from Guiding Eyes - presentation by Clover Williams
- Selecting Reproductively Healthy Dogs - presentation by Dr Emmanuel Fontaine
- Skin allergies - with Dr Caroline Moeser
- Stargardt's disease in Labrador retrievers - with Dr Katy Evans
- Strategies for genetic diversity - presentation by Jackie Clark and Dr Bart Broeckx
- Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Avulsion - presentation by Dr Caroline Moeser
- The art of insemination - presentation by Dr. Fiona Hollinshead
- The Overall Selection Index - presentation by Dr Eldin Leighton
- What influences semen quality? - presentation by Dr. Tom Lewis
- Show Remaining Articles ( 17 ) Collapse Articles
- A detailed evaluation of Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) detection dog training and performance - Presented by Edgar O. Aviles-Rosa
- A novel method for the detection of Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) using specially trained canines - Presented by Kat Janczur
- AKC Detection Dog Task Force Program: Working with AKC Breeders to Improve Breeding & Availability of Explosives Detection Dogs - Presented by S Goffe
- Assessing working dog fitness with the Penn Vet Working Dog Center Fit To Work program - Presented by Brian Farr
- Assessment of the Agreement between Fosters and Trainers Evaluating Behavior with the C-BARQ and Behavior Checklist presented by Elizabeth Hare
- Behaviour Assessment and IWDR - Presented by Dr Jane Russenberger
- Breeding Strategies and Advanced Reproductive Techniques to Optimize Production of Improved Generations of Specialized Canines at Three major working dog breeding programs in New Zealand - presented by Dr Fiona Hollinshead
- Development and heritability of cognitive traits in Canine Companions dogs presented by Emily Bray
- Digital innovation for working dogs - Presented by Dr Mia Cobb
- Discrimination between SARS-CoV-2 infection and other viral respiratory infections by working dogs - Presented by Nele ten Hagen
- Effect of impulsivity and core effect on training performance in dual purpose military working dogs - Presented by Astrid Concha
- Epilepsy in working dogs - Presented by Prof Holger Volk
- Estimated Breeding Values in IWDR - Presented by Dr Eldin Leighton
- Examining the Role of Significant Others in Canine Welfare within the Context of Veterans Working with Service Dogs - Presented by Linzi Williamson
- Explosive detection canine operational requirements and performance degradation: expert perspectives - Presented by Brian Farr
- Hot Topics in Working Dog Care - Presented by Dr B. Pierce & Dr K. Mann
- Implementation of a plan to decrease arousal and increase motivation - Presented by Robert Dougherty Jr and Alena Heyer
- Improving behavior monitoring within a working dog program - Presented by Becky Hunt
- Incidence of enteric pathogens versus presence of gastrointestinal symptoms in a working dog training facility - Presented by Dr Nicola Cotton
- Investigation of tail injury at Lackland Air Force Base Training Kennels for Military Working Dogs - Presented by Marty G. Roache & Karen L. Overall
- Learning to Smell: Impacts of Training and Experience on Detection Dog Performance - Presented by Nathaniel Hall
- Lecture on Generalization in Detection Work - Presented by Hans Ebbers
- Liquid biopsy screening for early cancer detection in working dogs - Presented by Katherine M. Lytle, DVM, MPH, MS
- Military Working Dog Aggression and Welfare - Presented by Desiree Broach
- Multimodal characterization of detection dog suitability: Combining behavioral, cognitive, and neurological measures for enhancing selection - Presented by Lucia Lazarowski
- Overview of the IWDR for Working Dog Organizations - Presented by Dr Eldin Leighton
- Pandemic or pandemonium? Creating standards for medical detection dogs - Presented by Dr Cynthia Otto
- Penn Vet Working Dog Center Fit To Work program foundational fitness development and training - Presented by Meghan Ramos
- Preliminary Accuracy of COVID-19 odor detection by canines - Presented by Kenneth G. Furton
- Prevalence of Canine Degenerative Myelopathy SOD-1 Mutation in Working Shepherd Dogs across Australia and New Zealand - Presented by Jayne McGhie
- Scent dog identification of SARS-CoV-2-infections- a double blind study - Presented by Esther Schalke
- Solving cold-cases: Dogs can match human scents collected several years apart - Presented by Margot Perez
- The Application / Practical Implementation Pro/Cons of Covid-19 Olfactory Detection Dogs - Presented by Prof D Grandjean
- The Domestic Breeding Consortium: Odor Detection Canine Selection, Breeding, and Early Training Techniques - Presented by Karen Meidenbauer
- The effect of maternal style on later puppy behavior in Canine Companions dogs - Presented by Brenda Kennedy
- The use of historical health records at The Seeing Eye in genome-wide association studies for canine health traits presented by Katy M. Evans
- Training with Varying Odor Concentrations: Implications for Odor Detection Thresholds in Canines - Presented by Mallory DeChant
- Transitioning a Therapy Dog Program Online: What's In It For the Dog? - Presented by Ben Carey
- Using IWDR's Advanced Tools to Improve HeaLth and Behaviour - Presented by Dr Eldin Leighton
- Using Single-Step Genomic BLUP to Compute Genomic Enhanced Breeding values for Self-Modulation in Working Dogs presented by Molly Riser
- Using trained dogs and organic semi-conducting sensors to identify asymptomatic and mild SARS-CoV-2 infections - Presented by Dr Claire Guest and Prof James Logan
- Working Dog Welfare: Where are we now and where are we going? - Presented by Dr Mia Cobb
- Show Remaining Articles ( 27 ) Collapse Articles
- A canine thermal model for mitigation of heat strain in working dogs - Presented by C. O'Brien
- Building a better detector dog: Lessons learned and (many) questions remaining to be explored in Auburn University’s 19 years of detector dog production - Presented by P. Waggoner, PhD
- From Puppyhood to Adolescence: Longitudinal Cognition Study at Canine Companions for Independence - Presented by K. Levy
- Genome-wide association studies to identify loci and variants associated with behavioral traits in dogs - Presented by V.D. Marinescu, PhD
- Hyper-reactivity in military working dogs: a report of two cases - Presented by O. Soares, DVM, PhD
- Measuring, and determining factors affecting performance of glycemic alert dogs - Presentation by N. Rooney, PhD
- Neuromotor development in puppies: implications for training and fitness - Presented by B. Pierce, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVP, DACVSMR
- Odour generalisation – theory and practice - Presented by A. Schoon, PhD
- Putting working dog research into practice: development of science-based guidance notes - Presented by V. Ratcliffe, PhD
- Referential focus - pet & working dogs - Presented by K. Overall, MA, VMD, PhD, DACVB
- Statistics for working dogs – how do you know if your test/assessments are better than a coin toss? - Presented by A. Dunham, PhD
- Temperament and EBV - Presented by Erling Strandberg, PhD, SKK
- Testing dogs for behaviour in Sweden: Canine temperament - assessment and heritability & How you assess temperament - presented by Åke Hedhammar DVM, PhD & Kenth Svartberg, PhD
- The chemistry of odor: How understanding odor can foster a better detector - Presented by L. De Greeff, PhD
- The opioid crisis and working dogs - Presented by C. Otto, DVM, PhD, DAVCECC
- What helps and what hinders assistance dog/puppy raising practices? - Presented by Doc Loc Mai (Jimmy)
- Working Dog Centre: Working hard for working dogs - Presented by W. Baltzer, DVM, PhD
- Show Remaining Articles ( 2 ) Collapse Articles
- Veterinary Genetics with Dr Angela Hughes
- Optimizing Volunteers for Early Socialization Success with Liz Rote
- Inbreeding in Working Dog Colonies with Dr Eldin Leighton
- Partners in crime - help puppy raisers turn fun policing upside down - with Matthias Lenz
- Improving Digital Processes and Datakeeping for Volunteers and Working Dog Programs - with Dani Prebensen
- Walk and Talks: Beyond the Data - with Jackie Clark
- Building a Healthy Relationship with Your Nonprofit Board - With Laura Edwards
- Identify and Build a Healthy Nonprofit Board – With Laura Edwards
Payment and Accounts
Behaviour Assessment and IWDR – Presented by Dr Jane Russenberger
UpdatedNovember 23, 2023
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